Central point of consolidation for enterprise alarms . Inputs are received from a wide variety of systems, applications and devices, providing consistent administration of critcial alarm conditions.
    A Server / Agent architecture removes the complexity of interfacing to disparate sources. The Agents speak the language on the input source, passing alarm data to the Server in a consistent format.
    Blueprints of alarm data are specific to the source of input. Alarm parameters are defined as either a character string, or a number.
    Actual alarm data provides a template to define the blueprint for a specific alarm source.
    Blueprints for fixed-length parameters assign fields based on the character offset of data within the input alarm stream.
    Blueprints for delimited parameters assign fields based on a predefined character that separates input alarm data. Typical delimiter characters include commas, semi-colons and tabs.
    Alarms for specific data sources are created based on the defined blueprint. Simple relational comparisons for character strings and numbers—equal, not equal, greater than, etc— enable detection of critical input data.
    When alarm data comparisons become complex, alarm processing scripts are available to address any requirement.
    Comprehensive alarm reporting delivers insight into enterprise activity. All report data is easily accessed from the browser-based interface.
    The SMS Agent receives SMS text messages from any system, device or person. The contents, and source phone number of the SMS text message are forwarded to the Server for alarm processing.
    The Email Agent receives SMTP email messages from any source. The message body, Subject and From address are forwarded to the Server for alarm processing.
    The SQL Agent periodically executes a specific SQL command against the desired table. The results of the SQL command—total number of rows, output of a WHERE clause, etc.—are forwarded to the Server for alarm processing.
    The File Collector Agent monitors a specified directory. When new files are written to the directory, every line of the file is transferred to the Server for alarm processing. Most often used to pinpoint significant data within very large log files.
    The Serial Line Agent accepts input from RS-232 connections, then forwards the data to the Server for alarm processing. Typically used to interface with SCADA implementations, and legacy telecom hardware.
    The API Agent is the primary interface to management applications. It accepts parameters from a myriad of Operating Systems—Windows, UNIX, Linux, OpenVMS, OS400, MVS—then forwards the data to the Server for alarm processing.
    The Windows Event Log Agent monitors selected event logs for events of the specified severity. When detected, the log data is forwarded to the Server for alarm processing.
    The SNMP Agent receives trap data from all sources, then forwards the data to the Server for alarm processing.
    The Syslog Agent accepts Syslog messages from all sources, then forwards the data to the Server for alarm processing.
    The GMSEC Agent is an authorized subscriber on NASA's message bus architecture. GMSEC data is published to the GMSEC Agent, then forwarded to the Server for alarm processing.
    The Cimplicity Agent accepts critical SCADA messages from GE Fanuc's Cimplicity automation solution. Messages are then forwarded to the Server for alarm processing.
    The alarm Server and all Agents implement heartbeat monitoring to ensure the monitoring environment is operational, 24 x 7 x 365. Any failure in the monitoring system itself results in immediate notification of designated personnel.
    High availability configurations provide the fault tolerance necessary to make certain every critical alarm message is processed in real time. Redundant Servers and Agents eliminate single points of failure in monitoring architecture
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